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StarryLight Lamp by Anagraphic, Hand made in Hungary

StarryLight by Anagraphic 係一個天空星體系列,由平面設計師Anna Farkas和室內設計師Miklós Batisz共同開發。源於Anna對原創燈飾應為一件藝術品,創意於2500個展覧會(2011年布達佩斯),StarryLight由啓發到完成品差不多用了1年時間來實現。

Starry Light 在布達佩斯,匈牙利,不同的工作房由人手生產,每一個配件是由擁有高技術的設計師及技師獨立設計,裝飾,人手鑽孔,令每一件成品都獨一無二及個人化。你可選擇其中一個季節,春夏秋冬,或你獨有的星座於星空燈罩內。另有啞白,光面白,啞黑,紫及金色燈罩選擇。

Starry Lights 的光線是經過特別設計生產。由於它的獨特性,它能提供兩種光線,一種能夠照亮餐檯的下燈,及另一個光源能在天空及牆壁製造出浪漫星星的效果。包含已包括一個遙遠控制器,可對下燈作出調校光暗,2700k黃光光度提供柔和光線,適合任何屋企的空間。

詳情請到: https://www.tplighting.hk/product-attribute/brand/anagraphic-hungary/

StarryLight by Anagraphic is a constellation lamp collection born from the collaboration between graphic designer Anna Farkas and interior designer Miklós Batisz. Based on Anna’s original idea of a lamp as an art piece, created for the 2500 Watt exhibition (Budapest, 2011), Starry Light is the result of almost one year of product development.

Starry Light Lamps are manufactured by hand in different workshops in Budapest, Hungary (Europe). Each item is designed, decorated and drilled by the hands of skilled designers and craftsmen, allowing the final items to be unique and customised.

The source of light in Starry Lights is specially designed and produced for the collection. Due to its special elaboration, it provides different light intensity in two directions, providing a strong direct light downwards, and ideal circumstances for the stars to shine on the walls. The light source emits a warm, white light—ideal for any home environment.

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