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產品 Products > 天花燈|吸頂燈|Ceiling Light > 簡約天花吸頂燈 Simplicity

lucci air sanso led 天花燈 空氣淨化機 負離子清新機 黑白 實例 3
lucci air sanso evone air purifier ioniser ceiling lightlucci air sanso led 天花燈 空氣淨化機 負離子清新機 黑白 實例 3lucci air sanso led 天花燈 空氣淨化機 負離子清新機 黑白 實例 3lucci air sanso led 天花燈 空氣淨化機 負離子清新機 黑白 實例 3lucci air sanso led 天花燈 空氣淨化機 負離子清新機 黑白 實例 3lucci air sanso led 天花燈 空氣淨化機 負離子清新機 黑白 實例 3lucci air sanso led 天花燈 空氣淨化機 負離子清新機 黑白 實例 3lucci air sanso led 天花燈 空氣淨化機 負離子清新機 3 in 1

Sanso EvOne 3 合 1 Black 黑色LED天花燈+空氣淨化器+負離子空氣清新器

HKD 3,080.00

Brand: Lucci Air Sanso

全球首創-Sanso EvOne-三合一空氣淨化+負離子+生物性天花燈

More Information

SKU 089201
Brand Lucci LEDlux
Product Type Fans
Globe Included Yes
Airflow 100m3/hour
Lumens 1800
Colour Temperature 2700K/4000K
Dimmable No
CRI >80
Globe Quantity 1
Globe Type GX53
Wattage Max 16W
Voltage 240V
Reversible No
Fan Motor Wattage 17
Colour/Finish Black
Material ABS
Style Modern


Height (mm) 170
Width (mm) 448
Weight (kg) 4.6


【全球首創-Sanso EvOne-三合一空氣淨化+負離子+生物性天花燈】




Sanso 係由澳洲公司開發團隊設計,擁有超過50年設計燈飾同吊扇嘅經驗開發出嚟,佢哋用咗多年嘅測試,成功設計咗一個名為Sanso Eve One 專利產品,係一個3合1空氣淨化器、負離子淨化器再加多功能天花燈,絕對係世界上第一個可以安裝響天花板嘅空氣淨化天花燈。

Live Well LED

Sanso EvOne 配備 Live Well Day Night Sleep LED 燈是世界領先的產品,旨在幫助您提高注意力和改善睡眠,同時提供更好的眼睛舒適度。在晚上,它可以減少藍光和調整色溫和亮度,以促進褪黑激素的產生,讓您做好睡眠準備。白天,Sanso EvOne 可以讓您感覺更加清醒和精力充沛。


Sanso EvOne 空氣淨化器的核心是訂製設計的 HEPA13 過濾器,可以去除最細小的污染物、孢子和花粉等引起過敏的物質。
Sanso EvOne 的 CADR 為 100 立方米/小時,非常適合用於臥室、家庭、辦公室和客廳。為了獲得最佳的淨化效果,建議將 Sanso EvOne 放置在不超過 12 平方米的房間使用。這樣可以確保您享受到最佳的淨化效果和最舒適的使用體驗。


Sanso EvOne HEPA過濾器配合負離子器運作,產生負離子並將其分散在空氣中。這些負離子可以像1000多個磁鐵一樣,吸附在討厭的灰塵顆粒上,並將它們直接從空氣中去除。這種先進的技術可以有效地幫助您去除室內空氣中的有害污染物質,讓您的家居環境更加清新舒適。


Sanso EvOne 空氣淨化器內置傳感器可以自動監測室內的污染水平並自動調整設置,以確保您的家庭始終保持清潔和安全。這種先進的技術可以讓您輕鬆享受清新舒適的室內空氣,而無需擔心污染物質的影響。


Sanso EvOne 空氣淨化器內置了3速風扇,能夠為您提供穩定的清潔空氣,不僅讓您感覺清爽,而且能改善整個室內的空氣循環。同時,這種先進的設備還可以減少對額外風扇和其他空氣對流裝置的需求,讓您的家居更加節能環保。無論您在何處,都能享受舒適的室內環境。


Sanso EvOne 空氣淨化器智能遙控器設計人性化,提供多種附加功能,如Timer、一鍵強勁模式和睡眠模式等,這些功能可以讓您更方便地控制淨化器的運作。而且,智能遙控器還可以降低噪音水平和停用指示燈,讓您在睡眠時擁有更加舒適的室內環境。這種先進的技術可以為您帶來更加便捷和舒適的使用體驗。

Sanso EvOne 3-in-1 Ceiling Mounted Air Purifier, Ioniser and Multi-Functional Light in White

Designed in Australia, Sanso EvOne is an innovative, patented 3-in-1 air purifier, ioniser and multi-functional light.

A single product that circulates and purifies the air you breathe, reducing the risk of Asthma and allergies while also providing an adaptable light that helps maintain a healthy circadian rhythm.

Not to mention, Sanso EvOne does all this without cluttering any floor space!


Our world-leading Live Well Day Night Sleep LED light is engineered to help you get the most out of your day, increase concentration and improve your sleep while providing better eye comfort thanks to its reduced flicker technology.

At night, settings reduce blue light and lower the colour temperature and brightness to promote the production of melatonin, the hormone which prepares your body and mind for sleep.

During the day, Sanso EvOne can fill your home with energy-boosting light that is scientifically proven to make you feel more alert and energised.


A custom-designed HEPA13 filter is at the heart of every Sanso air purifier, removing the finest pollutants and allergy-causing spores and pollens.

Delivering a CADR of 100m3/h, Sanso EvOne is ideal for bedrooms, home offices and living rooms. For optimal purification performance, Sanso EvOne is recommended for rooms measuring up to 12m2.


Working alongside the HEPA filter, the ioniser creates and disperses negative ions that act like 1000s of magnets, clinging to nasty dust particles and pulling them straight out of the air.


Built-in sensors monitor pollution levels and automatically adjust settings to ensure your home remains clean and safe at all times.


An integrated 3-speed fan provides constant clean air throughout your space, helping you feel refreshed, improving overall air circulation and reducing the need for additional fans and climate control devices.


The intelligently designed remote control provides access to additional functions like convenient timers, powerful burst settings and even a sleep mode that reduces noise levels and deactivates indicator lights.


Brand 品牌

Lucci Air Fan AUS.
