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PHILIPS Lighting HUE Go Wireless Series 無線變色氣氛燈

PHILIPS Lighting 飛利浦燈飾 最新發売 – HUE Go – 它不但擁有之前HUE所有工能,還能夠無線充電後流動使用3小時,同時可設定獨立顏色丶黃光丶白光或蠟燭氣氛感覺,適合作為夜燈。是HUE Family內唯一可充電後無線使用。它巳獲得2015年iF設計獎項。現有陳列示範。

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PHILIPS Lighting HUE, new family member – HUE Go. It has all functions of HUE technology, and it can also work wirelessly for 3 hours and individually without the HUE bridge. Colour changing RGB, yellow light, white light or candle mood light, good for night light. It is the only HUE family member which working wireless. Award winner year 2015 of iF Product design. Welcome to see the actual demonstration in our showroom.

HUE GO iF Design HUE GO THUMBNAIL HUE GO THUMBNAIL hue_go_5 hue_go_4 hue_go_3 hue_go_1
