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PHILIPS 飛利浦全新HUE Beyond Series 系列

PHILIPS 飛利浦全新HUE Beyond 系列,獲得2015紅點設計獎,設計將上下燈光分組轉換色彩或光暗效果,只要與HUE 2.0橋接器連接(需另外購買)便可以隨意轉換顏色或戶外遙控啟動燈光。全系列共吊燈,天花燈,枱燈。


PHILIPS Lighting Launched latest HUE BEYOND series, honoured to received 2015 Red Dot Design Award. The unique design of HUE Beyond is divided into upper and lower light distribution on either RGB colour changing or dimming as well. What it need to accompany with HUE 2.0 wifi Bridge (Purchase separately) connection to HomeKit on controlling its effect, colour changing and remote control. HUE 2.0 Beyond Series has Pendant light, Ceiling Light and Table Lamp.

71201 HUE Beyond Ceiling Thumbnail 71202 HUE Beyond Table Colour Thumbnail 71200 HUE Beyond Pendant Lamp colour Thumbnail Hue Beyond Lighting 2015 Banner
