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全球最先進風扇燈 Most Advance Technology BigASS Fan – Haiku 必愛風

Summer time now. 夏日炎炎,正好安裝一把吊風扇燈來加強冷氣循環效果,節省電費,又能裝飾一下家居增添美感。我們很榮幸得到 BigAss Fan Company 授權出售旗下產品。陳列室現已陳列其52吋 Haiku Caramel給予顧客感受風力丶高度及光亮度。歡迎大家光臨參觀。

Summer time begin. It will be good to install a ceiling fan for a better air circulation. Saving some from your electricity bill by a ceiling fan working together with the air conditioner, and also making a good atmosphere with a good looking ceiling fan. We are glad to announce that we are authorised by BigAss Fan Company on marketing their products. Our showroom is also showing Haiku Caramel 52 inches for your test run on the air flow, height and brightness. As a VIP are always welcomed to come to our showroom.

Please visit the following link for more details 請Click入以下連結了解更多



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