由英國設計師Nital Patel 主理 EDGE 系列的長條及環狀榮獲2021 iF Design Award Winner,這種長條狀吊燈一般也會是長長方方設計,而LIGHT POINT 的 Edge Linear 作梯形設計,使用鑄鋁生產,梯形設計材料損耗會比方形的多。
備兩系列選擇 EDGE Linear 或 EDGE Round,及兩種經特別處理調配色調,拉絲玫瑰金色 或 拉絲鈦灰色,這是很難用言語來形容的顏色。兩系列已內置了Bluetooth Casambi 手機智能 App 控制轉換由2700k 至 5000k 及光暗,更配獨有的免觸控開關及光暗功能。
Rose Gold
The Rose Gold is a color that can be difficult to put into words, but which should be experienced. Rose Gold contains warm and soft shades. It’s not copper, not pink and not brown – but somewhere in between these colors.
Titanium, our latest colour invention
A soft grey with an industrial sharpness. The effect derives from the delicately brushed Aluminium surface. The Titanium colour has a deep reflective tone, appearing dark and light depending on where you stand to look at the product.
More detail about LIGHT-POINT ZEROhttps://bit.ly/Light-Point-Edge
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