嚴正聲明 Statement
We, TriLight Zone, established in 2010, have only one unique store in Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon. We are selling Authorised PHILIPS home lighting products and ceiling fans which approved by Europe CE certificate or other safety approval authority on complying Hong Kong safety standard. Proof to be Authentic and Safety. Our website are www.TPLighting.hk / www.CeilingFan.com.hk / www.CeilingFan.hk. If you have any question, please contact our staff for more information. 紅綠燈燈飾吊扇燈專門店及飛利浦家居燈飾開倉於2010年成立,只銷售已通過歐盟CE認證或其他國際性認證機構已評估安全之產品,保証正品正貨,安全可靠,享有由總代理保用,我們的網站是 www.TPLighting.hk / www.CeilingFan.hk / www.CeilingFan.com.hk。 若有任何疑問,請至電查詢。營業時間 Opening Hour :
-12月31日(除夕) TUE 4PM
- 1月1日(元旦) WED 4PM
Our special holiday working hour arrangement as follow:
-31-Dec (New Year Eve) Tue 4PM
-01-Jan (New Year) Wed 4PM
Sorry for any inconvenience caused to all of our valuable customers. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you ALL.
星期一|二|三|五 (中午12時至晚上7時30分)
MON|TUE|WED|FRI (Noon to 7:30PM)
(*Close every Thur|Except Holidays & on duty to 6PM)
星期六|日|逢公眾假期照常營業 (中午12時至晚上6 時)
SAT|SUN|Public Holiday (Noon to 6:00 PM)
九龍荔枝角長順街1號新昌工業大廈3樓302A室 (荔枝角港鐵站A出口後,穿越有蓋巴士總站後對面馬路)
Unit 302A, 3/F, Sun Cheong Industrial Building, No.1 Cheung Shun Street, Lai Chi Kok, Kln.
(*English speaking staff available after 3:00pm)
(Take the Exit ‘A’ Lai Chi Kok MTR Station, then walk through the covered BUS station, we are just across the road)
*Customer will have maximum 1 hour parking redeem on any purchase over HK$500 in Cheung Sha Wan Plaza or Saxon Tower, parking fee will be deducted directly from the invoice. Kindly provided your parking slip if possible to our cashier while making purchase for this offer. Parking offers are only valid for the date of purchase.
電郵信箱 Email Addresses :
- General Enquiry / Order Email : Sales@TPLighting.hk
- Project Enquiry Email : Project@TPLighting.hk
- Consignment Email : Admin@TPLighting.hk
(EMSD Registered Number – 機電工程處電力工程承辦商注册號碼 :026096)