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地球一小時 Earth Hour 2016

Cheung Chi Lam

地球一小時2016 EARTH HOUR 2016

熄出力量 燃續生態未來

GIVE AN HOUR FOR THE EARTH WWF’s Earth Hour 2016 will take place on Saturday 19 March at 8:30pm (local time).

甚麼是地球一小時? What is Earth Hour?

Earth Hour is the world’s largest collective environmental action, involving individuals, communities, businesses and governments across the world. This collective lights-off action sends a powerful message: that everyone wants a sustainable future.

地球一小時2016 Earth Hour Hong Kong 2016

今年地球一小時的主題是「熄出力量 燃續生態未來」。This year we celebrate the 10th year of Earth Hour.

We only have one Earth, but currently Hong Kong people are consuming resources at a rate much greater than the Earth can regenerate them. If everyone on Earth lived a “Hong Kong lifestyle”, we would need 3.1 Earths to fulfil our need for resources. Therefore, WWF would like to ask one question: what can we do today to make a bright future? Starting from lights off for one hour, we can make some changes in our daily life to create a better tomorrow!


齊心聯手,保護地球 Show your Support

Except for switching the lights off for one hour, there are a lot of things that we can do for the Earth:

 於活動網頁登記(earthhour.hk),並於社交媒體向親友分及作出呼籲,一起為可持續生活而努力
Show your support by signing up at Earth Hour website(earthhour.hk) and mobilize your family and friends to commit and work together for our Earth and our city, towards a sustainable future

 看闊一點,看深一點,我們都在日常生活各方面努力,減少生態足印 !
Widen the scope of Earth Hour and reduce your ecological footprint in daily life!

Please do your part for the planet and a sustainable future. We cannot do this without you. Support Earth
Hour! Please visit earthhour.hk. Sign up now to show your support.

甚麼是生態足印? What is Ecological Footprint?

Over the past few decades, the world’s Ecological Footprint – a measurement of mankind’s demand for the regenerative capacity of our planet – has grown to alarming proportions. The latest report stated that the global Ecological Footprint is 1.5 times what the planet could provide.

In Hong Kong today, the situation is even more severe. According to the latest research by WWF and Global Footprint Network, the natural resources Hong Kong people use exceeds what is available in the territory by an astounding 540 times. This difference, called “ecological deficit”, is the largest in Asia!

是甚麼令地球資源透支?答案是我們的生活,原來本港超過六成的家用生態足印來自「食品」、「電力、燃氣及其他燃料」、「運輸交通」和「衣物」。 如何以有限的自然資源生活是大家必須重視的問題,讓我們一起檢視生活習慣,看看如何減低我們的生態足印吧!
How can this have happened? It all comes down to our lifestyles. Over 60% of the total household Footprint comes from four categories: “Food”, “Electricity, gas and other fuels”, “Transport services” and “Clothing”. We all need to urgently recognize the importance of operating within the boundaries of the Earth’s finite natural resources.

減少生態足印小建議 What can you do to reduce your ecological footprint?

衣 — 想節省20,000公升水,緩解全球超過12億人的缺水問題?Clothing: Want to relieve the problem of water scarcity for over 1.2 billion people?

The cost of your clothes goes far beyond their price tag. Cottons are thirsty crops – it takes an incredible 20,000 litres of water to make a single T-shirt and pair of jeans. That’s equivalent to the amount of drinking water for 30 people that last nearly one year! Whenever you purchase a new piece of garment, think twice.

食 — 一齊食得精明,珍惜食物 Eating: Eat wisely and treasure our food by reducing food waste

現時香港每日約有3,600噸廚餘被棄置到堆填區,部分被棄置的剩餘食物其實仍可安全食用。食物在分解過程大亦會產生大量甲烷 (一種比二氧化碳對大氣層損害多25倍的溫室氣體),間接加劇氣候變化。讓我們改變飲食習慣,珍惜食物以保護環境。
About 3,600 tonnes of food waste is dumped into Hong Kong’s landfills every day. Unfortunately, a significant quantity of this food is still good quality and could benefit plenty of people in need. Let’s change our eating habits and learn to appreciate food more.

住 — 珍惜自然資源,把舊傢具循環再用 Living: Treasure natural resources, recycle our furniture

According a report by the Environment Protection Department, some 13,844 tonnes of solid waste were disposed of in landfills in 2012. Some of this waste was abandoned furniture which was still usable. Try to recycle or renovate your old furniture and give a new life to them!

行 — 體驗香港優美的大自然環境 Traveling: Go into the nature

放假不一定要出國旅行或逛商場,我們可以走進大自然, 體驗香港優美的大自然環境。 當然亦要提醒自己和同行人士做個負責任的遠足人士:乘搭公共交通工具、自備水樽,保持郊野清潔,不帶走或破壞任何動植物。
Get back to the nature and experience Hong Kong’s incredible natural environment instead of travelling overseas or spending your holiday in a shopping mall. Don’t forget to remind yourself the rules of being a responsible hiker: take public transport, pack your own water bottle while keeping the countryside clean and tidy. Also, do not destroy or relocate any plants or wildlife.

WWF世界自然基金會的願景及使命 The Mission and Vision of WWF

WWF is one of the world’s most experienced conservation organizations, with a network active in more than 100 countries. WWF’s mission is to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature by conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and by promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.

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